What's Goin' Naan?

Sleepless in Bombay

I've officially been in India for over a month now...time is flying by!

Bombay is a city that starts its mornings late and never sleeps. It used to difficult for me to find energy to cook dinner by the time I got home at the end of a long day. Now, I am singing a different tune. After work I am ready to hit the town! It has been . . .

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March 23, 2015


Have you ever been to a comedy show where half of the stand-up was in another language? It's a true test of your sense of humor!

Last Friday after work a few Nielsen colleagues and I piled into a cab and headed to my first Indian comedy show. The show started at 8:30 and was around two hours from the office. One of my new . . .

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March 19, 2015

Namasté, Bombay!

Namasté !

I'm coming up on three weeks in Mumbai. Now I am fully settled into my apartment and my new rotation. This is when the adventure begins!

The past week has been full of saying "yes" for me. It can be nerve-wracking to make friends and try new things, especially on an entirely different continent. . . .

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March 10, 2015

Mosquitoes (&Voltage) 101

Let me take you back to my visit to the travel clinic in Los Angeles. The nurse explained that I had a choice whether or not to take malaria pills and get the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine. After a long debate with anyone who would listen I decided to take the pills and get vaccinated even though I swore that I would avoid mosquito bites at . . .

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March 05, 2015

A Birthday "In the Field"

It's hard to believe that I have been in India for a week now. Time really does fly!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I had the opportunity to go out into what's known @ Nielsen as "The Field" with some of our data collectors. One of my projects here on the India HR Team will be to help support and empower women . . .

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February 28, 2015

First Day

Hello everyone!

I spent the weekend beating jetlag (or so I thought) and went for a run, read outside by the pool where I met some wildlife, and even started The West Wing. The weekend was a great few days for me to settle in before my first day of work on Monday.

Monday morning started quite early thanks to jet lag. I woke . . .

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February 23, 2015

I'm here!

After 30 hours of travel I made it safely to Mumbai late last night. The strangest part of my entire journey had to be my Uber driver in Los Angeles. He did not say a word to me the entire drive despite me crying in the back seat. Certainly awkward to say the least, but made me laugh even though I was sad to say goodbye to Patrick.

. . .

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February 20, 2015


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