What's Goin' Naan?

This is India

Five months ago I landed at Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport exhausted and excited at the adventure that awaited me. This evening I am departing from the same airport with the same suitcases on the same flight a completely different person.

My personal development during this rotation cannot be attributed to a single . . .

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June 30, 2015

Mumbai Half Mooathon

Hi there!

A few weeks into my rotation here in Mumbai I decided to sign up for a half marathon with Rashmi. I have always loved running and I knew it would help me focus my energy on something outside of work here. Over the past couple of months I have been running at least 4 days a week and my Saturday mornings have started with a . . .

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June 29, 2015


As my rotation nears its end, I have begun to reflect on some of my biggest learnings here in India. I would like to share one of these with you today: Hindi!

On day one in Mumbai I realized that the official language of the Nielsen office (and Bollywood films) is what I like to call "Hinglish". This means that about every . . .

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June 25, 2015

Beep Beep

Hi there,

On the first day of our vacation around North India, the driver said something that I will never forget, "You need three things to drive in India: good breaks, a good horn, and good luck."

Mr. Pintu so perfectly captured all that I knew to be true about driving in India.This post is admittedly long . . .

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June 20, 2015

Nielsen Global Impact Day

Each year for one day all of Nielsen's 35,000+ associates around the world dedicate themselves to a day of community service. This is called Nielsen Global Impact Day. In addition to this, I am lucky that Nielsen allows for 24 hours of community service time throughout the year. This is a new benefit and I am eager to take advantage of it . . .

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June 17, 2015

Never a dal moment

Hello there!

Over the past four months, I have made many attempts at trying to cook authentic Indian food. Here are some valuable lessons that I learned:
1. Most recipes call for at least five spices
2. Stores sell pre-mixed masala and curry packets
3. Turmeric stains cabinets
4. Cooking dal (lentils) takes . . .

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June 13, 2015

Hong Kong

Hi again,

After counting down for months, the day finally arrived for me to hop on a flight to meet my fellow ELA/Delta Gamma/Northwestern alum, Becca, in Hong Kong. We have become very close friends since the start of our program two years ago and were eager to plan a trip together in Asia. She is currently on her rotation in . . .

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June 06, 2015


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