What's Goin' Naan?

A day at the museum(s)

This Saturday I was awake and finished with my training run by 8:00am, which is a true sign that I am getting old. I decided that rather than opt for the easy choice of staying inside all day, I would brave the sweltering Mumbai summer heat to explore the city.

I hopped in the cab and set off for my first stop: Mani Bhavan. This is . . .

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May 27, 2015

A lesson in cricket


Over the past few months, I have been trying many things from my “Bombay Bucket list”. If you know me, this does not come as a surprise. In each city that I have lived in throughout the Emerging Leaders Program I have created a list of must-do items (read: eating) before I move on to the next location. This helps to me put . . .

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May 19, 2015

#TTFI, etc.

Hi there,

Let me take you back a few weeks to April 30th...I spent the day at work ensuring that all of my projects would be set without me for the next week and hurried home. The most difficult part of the day was keeping myself busy until I departed for the airport to pick up Patrick at midnight.

I waited outside of the . . .

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May 12, 2015

A whirlwind week

Hello again!

It's been awhile since my last post. My week was the most hectic one that I have had thus far in India! I'll start from where we left off and take you through my latest adventures.

On Saturday following C360, I accompanied Rashmi to a fashion market at The Palladium Hotel downtown. We perused the . . .

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April 27, 2015

Creating outcomes

Hello there!

The last few weeks have flown by! I am having fun along the way with friends, but today's post is dedicated to an incredible Nielsen event that I was a part of yesterday.

A few weeks ago, I saw a poster in the office that was announcing Nielsen India's C360 event. Nielsen hosts its biggest and most . . .

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April 18, 2015

A very special Easter

Happy belated Easter to everyone who celebrates!

Easter is a holiday that fills me with nostalgia. I remember waking up to attend Easter mass in my fancy Easter dress, then rushing home to try to find where the very clever Easter bunny (mom) had hidden our baskets. My brothers and I would be given the candy of course, but my mom . . .

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April 07, 2015

A weekend in Dubai

Hi there!

Last weekend I headed to Dubai, UAE, where my coworker Arafat is working on his international rotation in our Nielsen office there.

I will preface this post by saying: there is only so much that can be captured about Dubai in words, but I will do my best. If you are not familiar with the United Arab Emirates, . . .

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March 30, 2015


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